
Learning About Furnace Upgrades and Repairs

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Learning About Furnace Upgrades and Repairs

Hello, my name is Sarah Patricks. I am going to use my site to talk about furnace options and repairs. There are a wide number of furnaces to choose for your home. The furnaces may kick on using natural gas, electricity, or oil for fuel. If internal components in the furnace stop working, the entire unit will fail to turn on during the next cycle. As a result, the temperatures in your home will drop dramatically, especially at night. I will talk about ways HVAC contractors keep furnaces in working condition. I hope you will use the information on my site to keep your furnace running. Thanks.

4 Gas Furnace Problems That Experienced HVAC Contractors Can Fix

If you use a gas furnace to heat your home, your furnace will likely need repair work at some point. Gas furnace repair experts know how to fix furnaces of all models and ages and can do the work that's needed to make your furnace fully functional again. Here are a few common gas furnace repair services that HVAC contractors often address.

1. Gas Leak  

A gas leak is among the most serious furnace problems that require immediate attention. Carbon monoxide gas could be leaking from your furnace and putting everyone in your home in harm's way. Whether the gas is leaking through a cracked heat exchanger or the gas supply line, experts with the right training can fix the problem quickly to keep you safe.

Your furnace might even be leaking gas without your knowledge, and a gas furnace repair expert can be hired to inspect your furnace to find out if this problem is occurring. You should definitely call an HVAC contractor for an inspection if you notice possible signs of a gas leak, such as:

  • A yellow or orange pilot flame
  • Rotten egg smells
  • The unexplainable deaths of indoor plants
  • Hissing noises coming from a pipe leading to the furnace

2. Water Leak

You might be surprised to learn that some furnaces can leak water, and this may be the case if you own a high-efficiency furnace that produces water vapors during the heat exchange process. Leaking furnaces often result from damaged or dirty condensate pumps, traps, and drain lines. A gas furnace repair professional can also inspect your system to see if the water leak is coming from a cracked inducer assembly. 

3. Limit Switch Problems

A limit switch is intended to keep a gas furnace from overheating, and your furnace might have multiple switches or a single combined limit switch. A furnace's limit switch might not be coming on when it's supposed to, or the switch could be tripping and shutting off sooner than it should. If you have a limit switch problem, an HVAC contractor can either repair or replace the switch. 

4. Slipped or Damaged Blower Belt

A furnace's blower belt can get damaged from repeated use or slip out of place. Your furnace should be looked at by an HVAC expert if you hear squealing, whining, or groaning sounds coming from your furnace. A professional can either replace a damaged blower belt with a new one or reposition a belt that may still be in good condition so that your furnace will run properly again.

Don't let a problematic furnace prevent you from heating the inside of your home. If you need any type of gas furnace repair work or a gas furnace replacement, HVAC contractors can take the work off your hands and leave you with a furnace that fulfills your heating needs.