3 Energy-Savings Tips For Commercial HVAC Systems
The costs of keeping your commercial AC unit running isn't always cheap, especially during the summer months when temperatures outside begin to rise. If you're on a tight budget and need ways to cut cooling costs, consider these energy-saving tips.
Keep the Ductwork Clean
Over the months, dirt and debris can get into your air ducts. Leaving them dirty not only restricts airflow, but it causes your company's unit to work harder and increases your energy bills. The quickest and safest solution for dirty ducts is to have them cleaned professionally on a regular basis.
These cleaning costs depend on how large your ductwork system is in your building, as well as how easy integral parts are to reach. Paying these costs is well worth keeping your AC unit working efficiently, though. These companies can also remove mildew in your system and seal damaged ducts.
Consider HVAC Upgrades
There comes a point in time when the parts of your HVAC unit stop working efficiently. You'll know you need replacements if your system constantly breaks down or no longer brings cool air into the building. There are many HVAC upgrades that can restore energy-efficiency, fortunately.
One of the most popular options today is a programmable thermostat. As its name implies, this thermostat turns your unit on and off based on the cooling cycle you've selected. You no longer have to keep the AC unit going when everyone has already left the building for the day. HEPA air filters are also great at improving energy-efficiency and keep the air coming into your building pure.
If your AC unit needs to be replaced entirely, consider choosing a model that's Energy Star rated. This rating ensures your appliance was designed with energy-efficiency in mind.
Have Unit Serviced Regularly
You can ensure your commercial units work year-round and efficiently by having them serviced professionally. A licensed HVAC technician will come out and perform a thorough inspection, making sure parts are clean and in good condition. Some parts they'll assess include the drain line, coils, blower, and air filter.
You can schedule these professionals to come out every other month or a few times a year, depending on how old your cooling systems are.
Owning a business can get expensive. This doesn't have to be true for your company's cooling costs, though, if you create a consistent maintenance schedule. Not only will your bills be lower, but your unit will last much longer. For more information, contact a business such as J. P. Griffin Inc.