
Learning About Furnace Upgrades and Repairs

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Learning About Furnace Upgrades and Repairs

Hello, my name is Sarah Patricks. I am going to use my site to talk about furnace options and repairs. There are a wide number of furnaces to choose for your home. The furnaces may kick on using natural gas, electricity, or oil for fuel. If internal components in the furnace stop working, the entire unit will fail to turn on during the next cycle. As a result, the temperatures in your home will drop dramatically, especially at night. I will talk about ways HVAC contractors keep furnaces in working condition. I hope you will use the information on my site to keep your furnace running. Thanks.

2 Air Conditioning Features That Are Worth The Hunt

If you are like most people shopping for a new air conditioner, you might be tempted to zero in on the price and forget about looking for exciting new system features. After all, as long as that system cools your house, what more could it do? Unfortunately, if you select a run-of-the-mill unit, you might end up with some of the same problems that bothered you before. Here are two air conditioning features that are worth the hunt, and why they might matter to you down the road:

1: Humidity Controls

As you shop for a new system, you might notice that some units tote their own independent humidity controls. Instead of simply turning on your AC unit and waiting for your house to cool down, you can program your system to adjust humidity levels, so that your place—and your hairstyle—stays perfect. However, humidity controls can do a lot more than reduce the load on your flat iron. Here are a few reasons you might adore a system with independent humidity settings:

  • Relative Temperature: Humidity can completely change how warm or cool your house feels, regardless of the actual ambient temperature. In fact, research has shown that a 75°F room actually feels like an 80°F room when the relative humidity is 100%. On the flip side, that same 75°F room will feel much cooler, or around 69°F, if the relative humidity is 0%. By turning down humidity levels during the summer, you might be able to take some of the load off of your air conditioner, while keeping the space comfortable.
  • Mold Growth: Mold thrives in humid environments, which is why it is important to control humidity levels. In fact, to prevent mold growth, some manufacturers suggest keeping the relative humidity below 65% at all times. In addition to protecting your air quality, being able to control humidity might also help you to fend off musty, stale-smelling air.

As you shop for an air conditioner, carefully consider the relative humidity levels where you live. If you live in an especially humid area, such as Houston, Texas where the average morning humidity level sits at around 90%, you might want to look for a larger unit with more powerful humidity controls. On the other hand, if you live in an arid environment, look for a system that is designed to add humidity to the air, so that you can keep your skin and hair moisturized.

2: Silent Systems

Have you ever been fast asleep, only to be jostled by the sound of your outdoor air conditioner ramping up? As air conditioning fans start up and pump air through your home, the noise can make it hard to watch television, talk with friends, or relax during your time away from work. Fortunately, HVAC manufacturers have developed these key technologies to make that AC unit run quieter than ever:  

  • Insulated Compressor: To keep air conditioning noise inside of your unit, some systems contain insulated compressors. This insulation is a specially formulated wrap that keeps certain frequencies of sound from escaping the unit, so all you notice about your air is the cool breeze coming from your vents.  
  • Variable Speed Technology: Older air conditioning units have two basic settings: on and off. When that system switches on, it has to work hard to get up to speed, which makes a lot of noise. However, new systems contain variable speed technology, which means that they can start up slowly and quietly.  
  • Better Fan Blades: Some manufacturers have even perfected the fan blades inside of your air conditioner, so that they create less of a chopping motion when they cut through the air.

By investing in the right air conditioner, you might be able to enjoy a more comfortable home. Check out an HVAC site like for more information about your cooling options.